Rachel Zant Pen With A Purpose

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The voice inside

There’s a still quiet voice inside you.

Sometimes it’s hard to hear.

“Something’s not right,” it whispers. “It’s time to make a change.”

Sometimes it screams and yells and rages… and you still ignore it.

There are moments when you may come to a place of stillness…of quiet… a place where the voice can be heard…

Do you listen? Do you actually hear what it says? Do you act on what you hear?

Or do you ignore it? Distract yourself, and hope it shuts up, goes away.

“I couldn’t possibly,” you tell the voice.

“It’s too hard. I have no choice but to continue on this path.”

Sometimes your body starts to hurt, trying desperately to get your attention. You notice more frequent pain and injury, illness or allergic reactions.

And then, maybe, just maybe, you start to listen. You take one small step towards the change you seek. And then another… and another.

And when you look back, you wonder… “Why did it take me so long? Why didn’t I do this sooner? It’s so obvious to me now. This change is exactly what I needed.”

Wouldn’t life be a lot easier if we just learned to trust that little voice from the very beginning?

If we honoured ourselves, and our own authentic truths? If we stopped listening to everyone else… to all the noises coming at us from all the different conflicting sources… and we instead took a moment each day to become still, soft, silent…to look within…

To listen to the truth inside.